Hello, hello, hello! Phew, what a long time I'd been away from updating my own weblog. Gee, I feel bad. I was so busy visiting the clinic after Jade's surgeries on her ears, working on some works and so on. Now she got so much better and we don't need to see the doc for a while! It was so frustrating to go to see the doc as we had to waste a half day each time for waiting at the lobby. I haven't done much handmade projects other than emproidery and cross stitching for up-coming holiday seasons. Hope you guys are doing great! Missed you!
missed you too :)
kisses for Jade
Bonjour, Natacha.
Thanks for your sweet comment!
glad you're back kumi!
i hope jade is feeling better.
good to hear everything went well and you´re allright.
i saw pics on flickr now and then and noticed you´re around, so i didn´t worry *that* much... knowing you´re okay.
otherwise i would have sent out the dogs to search for you ;)
Hi Joyce.
Thank you so much for your warm comment!
Are you back to work yet?
Hi Katrin.
Hehehe, thanks so much for your care!
I would love to have dogs serach for me, though!
Happy to hear that everything is Ok with you and your lovely Jade!
Hola Monica.
Thanks for your sweet care!
Kumi tienes un bello blog!! las flores son increibles, muy lindas!!
Me ha encantado conocerte.
CariƱos desde Argentina
Hope everything is better with the Doc. Receive lots of love-
Don't feel bad darling - of course we miss you but we understand. I'm so glad she is feeling better! Hugs.
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