Gee, time flies!! I've been busy like a bee again. I say this every time I write my weblog, don't I? Hehehe.
The craft fair was over with lots of success for me. I met bunch of new creaters and customers there and got inspired from them. I sold many bags and goodies, and got lots of flower bouquets and yummies from friends and my weblog readers who had visited the place. It was just wonderful.
March 3rd is "girl's festival" here in Japan. So I and little Jade finished putting our beautiful Hina dolls to celebrate the day!
In April, I'm opning my own zakka boutique here in Shonan area. To save $$$, I'm doing most of the renovation works. Right now I'm busy with applying the real plaster on the wall after tearing off the dirty wall paper. It's kinda fun, you know!