Hi there! Yes, I'm still working on my zakka boutique. I now finished painting the plain aluminum door and the window with this color. What do you think? So I finished the wall, floor, ceiling, door and window. Now what? I need to make a sign, shelves and what else? Thanks God that I have IKEA not too far from home!! I'll find some shelves and furniture to go with it, I hope!
nice color - you must take lots of pictures to show us when you're done kumi...
I totally love that color...And the plastered walls, so yummy!!
Oh how exciting must it all be for you! I'm sending you all happy and positive thoughts!
Love the door color! Pretty!!
nice site. Check out my knitted stuff at www.knitnstuff.blogspot.com
sure you will find something.. somatch everything else! i love ikea for that so many variety.
hope everything is well with litthel Jade:))
Oh! I'm so jealous you, you will have your shop soon ;p
ohhh! I want to come and visit you... Lucky you :)
It looks cute and I can't wait to see more pics!
I love it! Wonderful!! Can't wait for more pics!!
It will be beautiful! Good luck on your shop opening!
Hello! I think this is very exciting about your new shop! I used to live in Yokosuka, and I am cheering for you over here in Virginia! I hope the shop opening is smooth, delightful and everything you have hoped for! Best wishes!! Tanya B.
Konnichiwa!!Watashi no namae wa Catarina desu. Yoroshiku onegai shimasu!This are the only words that i know in japanese :).Well I'm portuguese and i loved to visit your blog and shop!! Good luck for the future!! Arigatou, Sayonara
( please visit my cute stuff if you like at www.artedecriar.blogspot.com)
Only from that picture, it already looks adorable. I hope we will see more soon!
very nice !
Good luck for your new beautiful shop !
kumi!! Wow you are opening a shop!!! Pictures!! what will you be selling? any jewelry i can send you?
sorry, couldnt resist ;D
yay! congrats!
hope you are well '-'/
How exciting!! Can't wait to see it when it's done!
Wow, thanks so much for your sweet comments!!
I'm sorry that I haven't been checking my own weblog for such a long time!!
I'm visitng you one by one when I got the time!
I live in Ikego. Where exactly is your shop. I'd love come visit.
Hi Patty.
The shop is between Fujisawa and Enoshima. If you take Odakyu Line, get off at Hon-Kugenuma Station right after Fujisawa Station. My shop is just in front of the station! If you're not sure how to get there, pls e-mail me!
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