On July 31, I said goodbye to my work, a German firm where I had workd for 7 yrs! Yes, now I don't belong to any company and I'm free! Hooray, I feel so relieved and free. I had a great last day at work. Had fancy Italian lunch with some co-workers, my boss bought some yummy cakes and pies for all of us in the afternoon, got some farewell gifts from good frineds, and my sister treated me a great Chinese farewell dinner in central Tokyo, called Turandot. Here's a photo of pretty yellow flowers my husband gave on that day. Happy! :D

And now I'm so busy like a bee again as I have an event coming up on the weekends. I was invited by a big zakka shop in Chigasaki to have a kind of exhibition of my works

on Saturday. I'll show ll kinds of my Hawaiian bags there and sell them at the same time. I'll have to stay there from 11 AM to 9 PM!! So it's gonna be a long day for me. It's my first time to have this kind of event, but the owner told me to bring 20 kinds of bags. So I'm working so hard to make a lot of bags using Hawaiian fabrics. Phew!