Since I have more free tim now, I decided that my daughter and I take hula classes once a week. A new class for mom and the little one just started here in Kamakura, so we jumped in last Friday to try out. Jade is just 3 yrs old, but she does a lot of activity at her preschool where she spends 8 hours every day. Her teachers say she likes to dance a lot, so I thought she'd enjoy it. And she did enjoy the entier one hour in our first class.

So mommy was very busy making our new "pau" skirts to wear when we go to hula classes. For an adult, you need 4 yards, and 2 yards for kids. That's a lot of sewing, eh?
how cute!
so you´re not only the hawaiian bag maker but also the hawaiian dancer?!
Those are adorable! So much gathering--that must have taken some time. I'm glad to hear that Jade liked the "mommy & me" class, it sounds better than the older kid's class!
At times like this, I wish I had a little daughter to share my love of girly things with...
i've been reading your blog for sometime but has never left a comment until now. i couldn't resist wishing you the best in hula dancing. i've been dancing for 11yrs now and i still enjoy it. i love your pau skirts. my halau colors are yellow and orange. your store is great. i will be ordering from you soon. do you get your fabrics from fabric mart? i love that store! i was just there and i was overwhelmed with the selection of fabrics.
Aw, how great is that. Love your skirt, so cute and clever!
Hi Katrin.
He he he, I know.
Now I start dancing in Hawaiian way, too.
My Hawaiian bags and Hawaiian dance make my days, eh!
Hi Amanda.
Yap, we decided to take the class where other kids are around! That was Jade's choise. And it's good for her, too!
Hi P.
Hey, why don't you plan for another baby wishing for a daughter!
Aloha Maluhia.
Welcome and thanks for your first comment!
Wow, 11 yrs? That's a long time!
The class we take is nothing serious, it's more like for having fun. So no competition or anything. Love to see you hula dancing!!
Hi Gina.
The skirts required a lot of work.
I like it a lot!
How fun! :)
Hi Jessica.
Yap, it is!
how fun! i danced hula for a couple of years back in 1995 & 1996.
Hi I have just found your blog and shop. I love the things you make. Love your blog too. I make bags too. Please visit me when you have time at http://mariabinns.wordpress.com and http://onehourcraft.wordpress.com and my etsy shop is http://mariabi.etsy.com
Cheers from Australia
Hi Joyce.
Oh, you did?
No plan to start hula again?
Hi Mia.
Welcome to my blog!
Sure, I'll visit yours as well!
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