Yesterday, we were hit by a big typhoon here in Japan. Kis stayed at home and I closed my zakka botique, too. In Shonan region, we had very strong wind in the morning, but not really badly. Sky got cleared out by noon. In other region, they had more serious damage. Oh, no....
My work is almost done as you can see. I'm getting kinda bored. Aha!
Hi Kumi -
I hope you weren't too affected by the typhoon. Are you guys doing okay there?
What a beautiful work you are making, I ´ve just came here to visit you and I see lots of interesting posts, so, I´ll come back later and frequently!
I hope the typhoon has gone and you are all fine.
Have a wonderful week!
Thanks for your warm care.
Our area was safe and no damege was done. Nature can be very scary sometimes.
Thanks for your comment. Happy to have you here!!
Our life got back to normal after the typhoon. Thanks for your concern!!
These can also used for NFT
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