Jade has been suffering from secretory otitis media for both ears ever since she was a baby. The home doc suggested to have 2 kinds of operation to cure. One big operation was to cut her adenoid. And the other one is to drill her eardrum to insert a silicon tube for her both ears.

Everything went fine and she came home Sunday afternoon with us. I stayed with her every single day and I spent the nights together with her on her bed! Gee, so happy we're back home.
I hope Jade will be feeling better soon!
Hi Kumi, so glad that everything went well and you're both back home :-)
welcome back kumi!
is jade feeling better?
Glad you're back! My little brother had that same surgery when he was younger... I hope little Jade is feeling better very soon.
Welcome back, Kumi! I'm glad to hear that Jade's surgery went well, and that you could stay with her the whole time. I hope she's feeling better soon!
Hi there Kumi! Haven't seen you on LJ but so glad I found you here : ) Hope Jade is recovering well. Take care!
Hi, Stasia.
In two weeks, all inframmation after surgeries will be gone!
Thank you!
Hi, Tania.
Thanks for your sweet words.
Happy to be back again!
Hi, Joyce.
Thanks for your warm words.
Jade is feeling just great and now she goes back to her pre-school since Monday!
Hi, handmade girl.
Thanks for your words.
I'm happy to be back again!
Jade is now back at her pre-school and plays with her gangs.
Life gets back to normal.
Good relief!
Hi, Amanda.
Thanks for your words.
She's now back to her normal daily life.
BTW, I love your "nanga-jyo" a lot!
OH, Jackey!!
I'm so happy to see your message here on my blog!! I left LiveJournal and started to write right here. Sorry that you didn't know about it.
Let's keep in touch, please!
am so glad everything went well for jade! kisses ♥♥♥
thanks god everything's fine and very important you could stay with her. Could you mail me your adress so I can send her a little card?
Hi, Nicole.
Thanks for your "hot" kisses!
Hi Natacha.
Thanks for your words.
I'll e-mail you our home address!
Jade collects stamps, so she should be thrilled to get card from France!!
I'm glad to see you and Jade home and recuperating well - ") Jessica
What a beautiful face : )
I'm glad she's Ok.
Hi, Gina.
Thanks for your visit and words!
Hey, Ana.
Nice to see you around.
Jade is now just doing super great!!
I'm happy she's doing well!
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