What I like very much at the moment is ROSES. I cannot stop thinking about it. I've read lots of magazines and books how to choose and grow roses. But I still cannot decided which one to buy. There're too many great roses with beautiful colors. So hard to choose one or two to start with.

So I visited the local botanical garden called, Ohfuna Flower Center here in Kamakura with my daughter. This is a Kanagawa Prefectural Institute and famous for its collection of roses. And It's in our neighborhood!! There're more than 360 kinds and 1200 trees of roses. The rose garden is full of beautiful colors of roses. And of course lots of people were there!! I've never seen anything like that before. Simply gorgeous...

It's so amazing that those professional people can bloom roses so beautifully and so richly. It's an art of work!!
I love roses! They are actually pretty easy to grow if you stick with a simple bush.
Oh, you do, too?
I love them so much now.
But it's difficult to maintain them, right?
That's why I haven't bought any new ones yet.
I have 2 kinds of red roses
in our garden and near the garage,
So far I'm doing okay,
but now wanna buy new one!!
lovely photos!
my roses aren´t in bloom now. one wild rose is blooming, but the others (the english ones) seem to wait for warmer temperatures...
Gorgeous pictures, as always.
I wish i could smell those roses. So pretty!
We had large rose bushes in the garden when i grew up, 'Pioen rozen' they are called over here. Don't know the English name. They were beautiful and had a strong sweet lovely scent. But they attracted mad amounts of ants! That was not so pretty.. :(
Beautiful pictures!! My gramma used to grow roses in her garden and she spent a lot of time taking care of them. It is indeed an art work!
Hi madhatter.
I LOVE roses and have so many shots of them!!
Here in Japan we're having its peak time
and I'm so happy to walk down the streets!!
Hi ismoyo.
Some roses have beautiful smell, but some don't.
I'd love know the reason and differnce, ha!
"Pioen Rozen"?
Love to know how they look like!
Hi Patricia.
Yes, to grow roses is an art!
Too much beauty and hard work!
Hi Alexa.
I love roses.
Wildroses are beautiful, too!
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