Wednesday, June 07, 2006

cross stitching!

My daughter is suffering from inflammation of middle ear again. She had an operation in Jan. and was hospitalized for a week. Every other day, we visit the local otologic clinic for the treatment. I didn't want waste the waiting time at the lobby, I started and finished my cross stitching project. It was an order from my Japanese customers as a gift.
The letter is "R". Can you see? It took me quite a lot of time as I haven't done it for a while. But it was fun!! I usually make bag or other stuffs using a sewing machine, but it's also lots of fun to make something with your own hands without any help of the machine.


Handmade Girl said...

Its beautiful!

Kumi said...

Thank you, my dear!

Monica said...

So beautiful! You're very creative!

Kumi said...

Hi Monica.
Nice having you here,
and thanks for your warm comment!

Gina said...

So sorry about your daughter, I hope she is feeling better now. Yes, it clearly is n R! It looks so great! I want to work on that sort of project eventually. But yeah, the time thing is a factor, it requires a lot of patience, you are to be commended for yours! It's lovely.

joyce said...

poor jade... i hope she's doing okay.

Kumi said...

Hi Gina.
Jade is getting better after she had
a lasor treatment on Tuesday afternoon.
As I'd written a long time ago,
you need to have a patience(!) to enjoy cross stitching.
But it's a lot of fun, Gina!

Kumi said...

Hi Joyce.
Thanks for your concern.
She's getting better after the lasor treatment which created a tiny hole in her eardrum.

Rodrigo Palma said...

Utsukushii desu nee. It's the letter of my real name - Rodrigo (^_^)v

Kumi said...

Konnnicihwa, Rodrigo-san!
Arigato for your comment!!