written by a handmade artist/mom/zakka botique owner in Japan
Friday, June 09, 2006
The rainy season started...
Here in Japan, we've just got into the rainy season "tsu-yu" from today. Yuck. From now on we'll have lots of rain and higher humidity for a month. Sigh... But we need it for the trees and flowers, and also for our daily water. You don't wanna know how gross the Japanese humidity is... Okay, girls! Have a great weekends!
I remember the rainy season when I lived in Korea...rain all day, everyday. And the humidity! Changing clothes three times a day and showers twice a day and you still felt ick. But it was beautiful in a way, too.
Hi madmommy. I think the weather in Korea is almost the same here in Japan. The high himidity makes more difficult to survive in the summer! Yucks! That's one thing you don't miss after leaving Korea, eh?
Pretty flower! Is that a hydrangea?
seems to be a hydrangea :)
wonderful shot, as always.
your flower-pics are gorgeous. i envy you for "having the eye"...
Hi handmade girl.
Yes, it is.
It's a symbol flower of June here in Japan!
Hi madhatter!
Oh, do I have "the eye"?
Glad to hear that!!
Hi heather.
Welcome to my blog.
So it'll be your first rainy season in Japan?
He he he!!
Nice pretty purple. Your shop looks great by the way!
Hi Gina.
Purple is the favorite color of my daughter!
Thanks for checking my shop!
lovely picture!! sorry about the rain...
Hi Joyce.
Yap, it keeps raining for a whole month.
So far, we have cloudy days in a row, though.
My pleasure!
I remember the rainy season when I lived in Korea...rain all day, everyday. And the humidity! Changing clothes three times a day and showers twice a day and you still felt ick. But it was beautiful in a way, too.
Hi madmommy.
I think the weather in Korea is almost the same here in Japan.
The high himidity makes more difficult to survive in the summer!
That's one thing you don't miss after leaving Korea, eh?
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