November 26 was Jade's 3rd birthday. Even though it was Saturday, my husband had to work as he had a group of customers from Taiwan. She and I prepared all kinds of things for her birthday party for the evening. Oh, look at this adorable card!! It was from her teachers at her pre-school in the town. It tells her actual weight and height along sweet messages from her two teachers!! So sweet!

Anyway, we two spent a great time preparing cakes, food, beverages and played a bit in the nearest park just three houses away from ours. She was so HAPPY all day long and I was happy for her!! When her dad got home, we started our small birthday party for her! Isn't it so great of her to wait until 19.30??? She even didn't have a bite of the cake!!

Most of her friends at her class are already 3 yrs old, so she waited and waited this day!! She used to say "I'm 3 yrs old... (in a small voice) I mean almost 3...." But from now on, she can say I'm big enough and I'm 3 yrs old!!
Well, a happy birthday to my dearest daughter, JADE!
We love you so much, honey!