I've been too busy to update my blog these past weeks. My full-time work at a German company in Tokyo keeps me busy as well as my online shops. I'm now managing a big project at office and it just started. Lots of meetings keep me really busy these days. And I'm receiving more orders for my online shops I manage. But I'm doing just all right!!

"Chibi Hawaiian Bag"
USD 12.00
Your bags are just beautiful! Thanks for the link to your shop, I had it before, but lost it.
isogashii desu nee^^ At least you don't get bored;)
it's very good that you're online shop is doing well. i'm happy for you.
Hi, handmade girl!
Thanks for your sweet comment!
That makes me smile! :D
Konnichiwa, psycho-san.
Genki deshitaka?
I hate to get bored!!
So now I'm happy that I'm too far being bored!!
Hi Joyce!
I hope you keep attending the sawing classes with your sister!
I'll have to check your work since I haven't visited your blog lately. Sorry!!
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