Right after that, we were invited to
eggplant picking for free of charge!!!

It's a small purle color and so adorable.
Looks so beautiful.
Who can imagine an eggplant will bear
after this pretty flower?

but she had a so much passion for picking up eggplants!!
If you know any good receipe for sweet potato and eggplant from your own country, I'd love to know!!
I love eggplant parmigiana...
Hopefully this recipe works for you, or I can email it to you. It is Italian and delicious. I had an eggplant plant, and all it did was make flowers. I never got an eggplant from it.
I have a wonderful eggplant recipe which is very easy to make. Its not a German recipe, but I have to translate it first, then I will sent it to you, okay? Hope you like garlic...??? Lots of it in this dish!!!
BTW thank you for your comment on my new ATCs...;-)
that must have been fun!
jade is so cute!
Jade is really great at the picture, as usually.
I'll send you some recipes for sweet potatoes (I love them) and eggplants, but let me translate them first.
jade is such a pretty little doll!
and mmmmm! free eggplant!
i have a sweet potato cake recipe that i will find and send to you. great photographs!
Hi, Handmade Girl.
I just checked the link you gave me.
You know what?
I think you and I have the same taste for food. You went to Olive Garden the other day, and that was my favorite restaurant when I was living in the US. And this recipe, the eggplant parmigiana was one of my favorite back then!!
Thanks so much for reminding me of the dish!!
Hi, Huana.
I love garlic, and all other member of the family do, too!!
Oh, I cannot wait to get your recipe!!
Hi, tofutti break!
Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog!
I checked the recipe you gave me, and it sounds healthy. I should try this one, too!
Hi, Joyce!
Yeah, it was my first experience and for Jade and my mon, too.
That was really fun to play around with vegi and soil.
Love to do this again next year!!
Hi, Ronize.
I'm so interested in your Brazilian recipe for sweet potato!!
Please don't forget to send them to me!!
Hi, Thea!
Thanks for dropping in by!
Yap, all the eggplant there was free to take away!
Can you believe that?
Hi, Mrs. Pilkington!
Wow, a sweet recipe?
That sounds so yummy!!
Love to know that!!
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