This is a combination of 2 kinds of red/white polka dots print. After giving a birth to Jade about 3 yrs ago, I kinda came to like girly things and colors which I used to hate during my teenager time. Strange, eh? Anyway, I LOVE those pinky girly things and I'm proud to say so!!
This bag I use to commute every day at the moment. I throw papers to take home from work and magazines to read during my commuting time on trains. I really like it a lot!

This strawberry pouch is another kawaii and cute one. I got a request from a Japanese customer to make something like this. I knew she loves strawberry, so here it is!! I even used a strawberry button for this pouch.

available at my etsy shop,
That strawberry pouch is SO cute!
SUPER cutie! i love the button. yum¡
Hi, Handmade Girl!
I love this fabric.
So cute, aren't they?
Hey, Nicole!
He he he!!
I love strawberry!
Yum yum!!
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